Call for Participation

Important Dates

  • Full Paper, Short Paper, and Panel Submissions:  April 29, 2016
  • Author notifications for full/short papers and panels: June 1, 2016
  • Camera-ready for full and short papers and panels: June 15, 2016 June 29, 2016
  • Poster abstract & Lightning talk submissions: June 10, 2016
  • Author notification for posters & lightning talks: July 3, 2016
  • Conference: August 11-13, 2016

The engagement of diverse people in an endeavor drives creativity and innovation, but in computing and STEM fields, broadening participation is also a matter of equity. It is critical that we, as the computer science education community, improve inclusion of diverse people, especially those from underrepresented populations. Globally, underrepresentation differs regionally and culturally by gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic advantage, physical, mental, and cognitive ability, and LGBT status. Lest we think that this is a minority-only issue, consider developing countries or the poor of every nation, with little to no access to education and resources, where computing could help build the economy, health, education, and financial systems.

As worldwide demand for computing professionals increases, it is essential that we create a more diverse workforce to drive creativity and provide equal opportunity. Research on how to address these factors is necessary to create a collective global strategy to improve participation in the computing sciences. We invite submissions of research papers of two types: full papers (8 pages in length) and short papers (4 pages in length) as well as experience papers (4 pages) on topics related to broadening participation in computing for all students, and for students from underrepresented groups in particular. Underrepresented groups in computing may differ according to location. In the United States, these groups include women, African Americans, Blacks, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, and Hispanics or Latino/as, socio-economically disadvantaged people, and all people with disabilities.

Since broadening participation research is inherently interdisciplinary, related literature may be drawn from computer science education, education, learning sciences, cognitive or social psychology, social sciences, and other related disciplines. Additionally, all submissions are strongly encouraged to link to a foundation of theory and to build upon that theory. Papers reporting on empirical studies must leverage appropriate research methods, and it is strongly recommended that authors explicitly state their research questions and hypotheses.

Since the goal of this conference is to build a literature of research results on broadening participation, experience reports that describe an educational or outreach approach are encouraged to submit to the experience report track, but will not be considered for the research track.

It is intended that RESPECT 2016 proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore and cross-indexed in the ACM Digital Library.


  • Inclusive computing curricula
  • Recruiting for diversity
  • Retention in computing departments
  • Computing outreach in K12
  • Teacher preparation to support learning computing for diverse students
  • Culturally aware curricula, pedagogies, and departmental strategies
  • Computing education research focused on differential impacts based on diversity (e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, LGBT status)
  • Access to computing education (e.g. making computing available in developing countries)

Presentation Types

  • Full research papers (≤ 8 pages)
  • Short research papers & experience reports (≤ 4 pages)
  • Panels
  • Posters (abstracts)


Broadening participation research is inherently interdisciplinary, related literature may be drawn from computer science education, education, learning sciences, cognitive or social psychology, social sciences, and other related disciplines. Submissions to this track are strongly encouraged to link to a foundation of theory and to build upon that theory. Papers reporting on empirical studies must leverage appropriate research methods, and it is strongly recommended that authors explicitly state their research questions and hypotheses. Papers that are not able to do such things are encouraged to submit to the experience papers track. Papers will undergo a blind review process. Full papers must not exceed eight pages in length. Short papers (work in progress) must not exceed four pages in length. Authors will have approximately 20 minutes for their presentations for a full paper and 12 minutes for their presentations of a short paper. This time includes questions and answers.


Experience reports that describe an educational or outreach approach are encouraged to submit to the experience report track. Experience reports describe and activity or approach, but have not necessarily employed a rigorous research design methodology and/or analysis. An acceptable experience report need not add to the body of knowledge of the broadening participation community by presenting novel results or conclusions. An experience report should be short (4 pages maximum) and must state a clear thesis and provide supporting evidence. That is, make a claim about the impact of the activity involving broadening participation and produce evidence to support your claim. Acceptance will be based on whether the reviewers find the evidence to be convincing. Anecdotal evidence will be acceptable in an experience report provided it is well argued and the author explains what efforts were made to gather as much evidence as possible. The most convincing evidence often includes comparisons of situations before and after the introduction or discontinuation of the broadening participation efforts. Papers will undergo a blind review process. Papers for the experience track must not exceed four pages in length. Authors will have approximately 12 minutes for their presentations which includes questions and answers.


A panel session brings together multiple perspectives on a different topic to discuss, present, and debate. Ideally, panels will consist of no more than four panelists and one moderator. The panel submission should clearly indicate how the positions of each of the panelists comes together to create for an interesting discussion about a topic. Panel proposals must not exceed two pages and will be given between 45-60 minutes in the program.


Posters describe approaches or research that are really works in progress. Poster abstracts are limited to one paragraph. The poster session for the conference allows for poster authors to interact with conference attendees one-on-one. The author can provide handouts about the work, but technical affordances (wifi, power, projection) will not be available.


Lightning talks provide an opportunity to present ideas, opportunities, or works in progress in a brief way. Lightning talk proposals must not exceed two pages in length. Lightning talk presentations will be a maximum of 2 minutes in length, which will be strictly enforced.

Submission Information

Submissions must be PDF files in IEEE format. Submissions are not anonymous but undergo a blind peer review.

Submission is through EasyChair.


Conference Presenter Substitution/No-Show Policy

Submission of a paper, panel, workshop, lightning talk or anything else for presentation at RESPECT means that if the proposal is accepted at least one of the authors will register for the conference and attend the conference to “present” the proposal. Failure for at least one author to register for the conference by the end of early registration will result in the submission not being included in the conference proceedings.

If, after registering, unforeseen circumstances prevent the presenting author from attending and presenting, it is his/her responsibility to notify the conference program chairs regarding the situation as soon as possible.  It would be most preferable to arrange for a substitute presenter.